When the young father Arthur was killed, Vortigern (Jude Law), Uncle Arthur, won the crown. Steal his birthright and did not know who he really is, Arthur (Charlie Hunnam) come the hard way in the back alleys of the city. But as soon as he pulled the sword from the stone that his life is turned upside down, and he had to admit his true legacy that he likes it or not.

Steal his birthright, Arthur came up the hard way in the back alleys of the city. butas soon as he pulled pedangdari stone, he called was forced to admit his true legacy – whether he likes it or not. Young Arthur went after the Londonium and crew, unaware of the nature of government intervention to Excalibur. Once the sword is subject to the influence of Arthur forced his mind. He joined the rebellion and the dark young woman named Guinevere, you must learn to understand the magic weapon, dealing with demons and connect people Vortigernbeat a dictator, a man killed his mother Kebawahmahkota gesteelsy reign.

King Arthur: Legend of the royal lineage SwordArthur only know when he can be respected Excalibur in his hands a lot. And now the mighty sword in his possession, he joined the rebellion and a woman named Guinevere overthrow dictator named Vortigern responsible government.

English language

Classification: NA

General Release Date: May 11, 2017

Type: Adventure / Fantasy

running time:no


Cast: Charlie Hunnam, Astrid Berg-Frisbey, Jude Law, Djimon Hounsou

Director: Guy Ritchie

Format: P2

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