
WeChat is a popular free messaging service available on mobile and personal computers from Windows today. The desktop version allows you to chat and share files as you can in the mobile version.

Call accountUpang móbilWeChat use, you must register for a phone number in your account. The Windows version is a complement to mobile applications. To do this, simply download the application to your mobile device, enter the phone and svoynomer escribacódigo confirmationipinadala.Ang, providing access contact apps lets you know you are using WeChat. To use a version of Windows, you need to open a mobile app and take a photo in the QR code that appears on the screen. Once made. WeChat for Windows, open, look and feel as much respect is mobile anak.Functional appSaWeChat basic chat, you can talk to contacts through his work area, and receive notifications when someone contact you. You can also sendfiles. File Transfer, probably more useful in Windows, mobile devices (especially if you are a User IOS), you can send any file you want to WeChat.WeChat very simple. In addition to text chat and file transfer, you can also send emoticons skrinshotyi. ferramentacaptura screen is good customer, automated around windows pair. WeChat, which lagged behind other applications, such as Skype or Facebook Messenger is the lack of video or voice chat.Manatilingconnected without their teleponoWeChat for Windows, is a welcome addition to mobile applications, but remember that mogamitin not be done without a phone bill. However, it is useful if you want ostatsyapodklyuchen without looking at your phone!

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