

Founder and CEO

Issam is an international lecturer in organizational behaviour and human improvement. He is one of the leading experts in the domain of human development with an ability to help people overcome the obstacles faced in life.

His academic background is in business administration, yet his further doctoral studies focused on “The Psychobiology and management of human behaviour”. After the completion of his doctoral program, a turning point in his life, he started a new dialogue in the field of what is beyond logic in order to attain interdependency, therefore success and wholeness.

In the last 13 years, he counseled many executives, political parties, leaders, groups, and individuals in Lebanon, Asia, the Gulf and Europe through coaching trainings and workshops, therefore aiming to reframe the life of people towards excellence by following the “FourW” concept he created.

He wrote hundreds of articles in politics, social, cultural, economical and behavioural as well as being a multidisciplinary researcher with published articles in many internationally refereed journals.

Issam is a member at the council of the faculty of public health at Sagesse University since 2013; he also assumed same status at the business faculty from 2008 till 2013 noting that he lectures topics related to organizational behaviour, health communication management, strategic management, project management, human resource management, bargaining and negotiation, conflict management, stress management, ethics and leadership at different faculties and universities.

Nevertheless, Dr. Atala is a certified practitioner in NLP (Neuro- Linguistic- Programming), a certified Life Coach practitioner, a certified basic Ericksonian Hypnotist and a Master in REIKI.

He is the founder of FourW.org which develops some of the most advanced intellect and mental training programs based on the evolvement of the being and seeking to assist individuals and corporations maximize their fullest human potential.