Movie Title: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
Director: Dzheyms Gann
Stars: Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista
Release Date: April 28, 2017 (in English)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Format: Matroska (.mkv)
File Size: 999MB
Resolution: 1280×512
Duration: 2:07:39
tidakSarikata: None
Encoder: Tim MkvCage (MC)
Genre: Action | adventure | Sci-Fi
IMDB Rating: From 112,782 people
Director: Dzheyms Gann
Cast: Kris Brett, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista
Audio:Bahasa Inggeris
Runtime: 2 hours 7 min
Subtitles: Russian now
Set against the backdrop of high Mixtape # 2 “GuardianGalaxy Vol. 2” about the adventures of a team as they unravel the mystery of true seed Peter Quill.
The team had some struggles when they meet new people and interact with the old enemy. Setting background “Awesome Mixtape # 2,” Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 teruspengembaraan troops as they crossed the yard. Guardian must bertarungUntuksohranitnewly discovered family as they unravel the mystery of true seed Peter Quill. old enemies become new allies and favorite characters from the comic book fans klasikdatang to help the heroes of our time on the Marvel cinematic universe continues to grow.
Peter Quill and his colleagues were taken Mayor powerful alien race, the Emperor, to protect them from intruders precious battery. When it became known that the missile was stolen baranganmereka posylayutchtobysave the Emperor sent merekaArmada revenge. When the mayor tried to escape, the mysterious descent Peter revealed.